119 Days to Transform Your Artist Journey

Are You Ready to Build 1,000 True Fans in 2025?

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There are 119 days left in 2024.

A lot can happen in 119 days.

In fact, entire empires have risen and fallen in less time.

But for most of us, these final months of the year often slip away, lost in a haze of routine and unfulfilled promises.

Remember those New Year's resolutions you made back in January?

The goals you were so excited about, the changes you were determined to make?

If you're like most people, those aspirations have long since faded, relegated to the 'maybe next year' pile.

But what if I told you that these remaining 119 days could be the most transformative of your life?

I'm not speaking hypothetically here.

This year, I've not just met my objectives; I've obliterated them.

And I'm here to tell you that you can do the same.

You see, the real magic often happens behind the scenes, in the quiet moments of preparation and planning that the world doesn't see.

That's where I've been for the past five years.

Preparing, learning, and laying the groundwork for what's to come.

And now, I'm transitioning from a season of preparation to one of extreme execution.

The excitement I feel is palpable, and I want you to feel it too.

Because I believe that 2025 could be your year of unprecedented growth and success.

But here's the catch: that success starts now, in these remaining 119 days of 2024.

This is your chance to prepare, to lay the foundation stones that will support the incredible structure of your future success.

Imagine hitting the ground running on January 1st, 2025, with a clear vision, a solid plan, and the momentum to make it happen.

That's why I've been working on creating a challenge specifically designed to make 2025 a year like no other for you.

My goal?

To help you build a fanbase of at least 1,000 true fans by the end of 2025.

Why 1,000?

Because 1,000 true fans is more than just a number.

It's a tipping point.

With 1,000 true fans, you have a sustainable artist business that grows year on year.

From there, 1,000 can become 10,000, and 10,000 can become 100,000.

The sky's the limit.

But it all starts with the groundwork you lay right now.

I'm ready to support you in this crucial preparation phase.

I'm ready to guide you, step by step, towards building those 1,000 true fans in 2025.

And if you already have 1,000 true fans?

Then let's aim higher.

Let's shoot for 10,000 or beyond.

Because in this journey of artistic growth, there's always another summit to conquer.

If this challenge resonates with you, if you're ready to commit to transforming your artistic career, then the next step is simple.

Reply to this email, and I'll send you all the details about how you can get involved.

This isn't just another program or course.

It's a commitment to yourself, to your art, and to the impact you want to make in the world.

Remember, we have 119 days left in 2024.

That's 119 opportunities to prepare for the best year of your life.

Are you ready to seize them?

The choice is yours.

But know this: I believe in you, in your potential, and in the power of your art to change the world.

Let's make these 119 days count.

Let's lay the groundwork for a 2025 that will exceed your wildest dreams.

The time to act is now.

Will you join me?

-The Baker

Solving The World's Problems Through Art | #thetimetodoisnow


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