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  • Age Is An Asset: Rewriting the Rules of Music Industry Success 🎵

Age Is An Asset: Rewriting the Rules of Music Industry Success 🎵

Unveiling a Vision Where Authenticity Trumps Youth and Real Stories Create Superstars

What if I told you that the music industry's obsession with youth is not just unfair, but it's robbing us of some of the most powerful, authentic voices in music?

Let me share a story that deeply moved me and added fuel to the fire burning within me to make my vision for the industry a reality.

Recently, I had a conversation with an incredible female artist.

Her talent is undeniable.

Her passion, palpable.

Her story, inspiring.

But there was one thing holding her back in the eyes of the industry: she has a grown-up daughter.

Can you believe that?

In an industry that claims to celebrate authenticity, this artist felt she had to hide a fundamental part of who she is.

She felt compelled to conceal her true story, her journey as a mother, because it was being held against her.

This isn't just wrong.

It's a travesty.

It's a disservice to artists.

To music.

To audiences craving real, meaningful connections.

This conversation reinforced something I've believed for a long time: the music industry needs to change.

And I'm committed to being that change.

My vision for building the biggest and fairest music company in the world is one that celebrates artists of all ages.

Especially those who bring wisdom, life experience, and depth to their art.

The kind of artists who are often overlooked in today's youth-obsessed industry.

Because here's the truth: great music doesn't have an expiration date.

Powerful stories don't come with age restrictions.

And authenticity? It only grows richer with time.

In the company I'm building, being true to your story will never be held against you.

It will be celebrated.


Shared with the world.

We're not just looking for the next young pop sensation.

We're looking for artists with something to say.

Artists who've lived, loved, lost, and learned.

Artists who can connect with audiences on a deeper level.

Artists like the incredible woman I spoke with.

Artists who are, first and foremost, incredible human beings.

Because that's what music is about, isn't it?

It's about human connection.

About sharing experiences.

About touching hearts and opening minds.

And who better to do that than artists who've truly lived?

Who've faced challenges, overcome obstacles, and emerged stronger?

Who have wisdom to share and stories to tell?

These are the artists we'll champion.

The voices we'll amplify.

The stories we'll help share with the world.

We're building a company where an artist's age is seen as an asset, not a liability.

Where life experience is valued, not hidden.

Where authenticity reigns supreme.

Because we believe that's what audiences are craving.

In a world of manufactured pop stars and auto-tuned perfection, people are hungry for realness.

For depth.

For music that speaks to their souls, not just their ears.

And that's what we're going to give them.

We're going to support artists in being unapologetically themselves.

In sharing their true stories.

In connecting with their audiences in genuine, meaningful ways.

We're going to help them make the biggest possible impact with their art and their influence.

Not by molding them into what we think they should be.

But by empowering them to be who they truly are.

Because that's where the real magic happens.

That's where music becomes more than just sound.

It becomes a movement.

A force for change.

A source of inspiration.

So to all the artists out there who've been told they're too old, too real, too different:

We see you.

We hear you.

And we're building a home for you.

A place where your stories are valued.

Where your experiences are celebrated.

Where your authenticity is your greatest asset.

Because we believe that's the future of music.

A future where artists of all ages, all backgrounds, all experiences have a voice.

Where wisdom is celebrated alongside talent.

Where authenticity trumps image.

Where real stories connect with real people.

That's the music company we're building.

That's the change we're bringing to the industry.

And we're just getting started.

Are you ready to be part of this revolution?

To help us build a fairer, more authentic music industry?

The stage is set.

The spotlight is waiting.

It's time to let your true voice be heard.

-The Baker

It's High Time for change | #thetimetodoisnow 

P.S. Want more exclusive insights and personal connections? I'm sharing valuable content daily on my Facebook profile and personally engaging with everyone who reaches out.


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