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  • Build Your Own Market: The Revolutionary Path to Music Industry Success

Build Your Own Market: The Revolutionary Path to Music Industry Success

How ignoring trends and connecting one-on-one can create a loyal fanbase that propels your career beyond traditional boundaries...

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What if I told you that the key to breaking through in today's crowded market isn't about chasing trends or competing on someone else's turf?

What if success comes from ignoring the market altogether and instead, creating your own?

In the modern music industry, artists are often told to follow the market's rhythm—to mold themselves to what's hot, to fit into pre-made boxes, and to play by the rules set by invisible gatekeepers.

But what if I told you there's a different way—a way that doesn't just flip the script, but writes an entirely new one?

Instead of bending to the whims of the market, imagine building a market that bends to you.

A market where you set the rules.

Where every single person who joins is there because they believe in you.

They support you not just with clicks or likes but with their time, attention, and money.

Building an audience one person at a time might sound like the long road.

And let's be real—it is.

But it's also the most powerful road because, step by step, fan by fan, you're not just gathering numbers; you're building a community.

A community of true believers.

A place where your art, your message, and your voice matter more than fitting into a pre-made mold.

And when the going gets tough—and it will—this community doesn't disappear.

They rally.

They stand by you.

Because they've chosen to be there, one by one, drawn by your authenticity, your unique sound, your vision.

Most artists are so focused on breaking into "the market" that they forget the market itself is just a construct—a set of ever-shifting sands where trends are fickle, and the ground is shaky.

But what happens when you stop trying to fit into that pre-existing market?

When you decide that the goal is not to compete but to create?

When you start focusing on the people who see the value in your uniqueness and want to be a part of your journey, rather than the faceless masses who might click on a trendy song today and forget about it tomorrow?

You start building your own market—a market where your art can flourish, where the value is created through genuine connections and not just streams or views.

Imagine if you, as an artist, realized the power you hold—the power to build something truly lasting and meaningful by connecting with just one person at a time.

Picture the potential if you ignored the traditional markers of "success" and instead focused on crafting your own space where the people within that space are there because they see the value and are willing to support it.

In this new paradigm, it's not about volume.

It's about value.

It's not about the quantity of followers but the quality of connection.

It's about creating a market that moves with you, that grows with you, and that stands by you—because it's a market of your making, built person by person, moment by moment.

So, the next time you think about your audience, don't think about numbers.

Think about names.



Real people who see something in what you're doing and choose to walk this path with you.

The market doesn't have to be something you break into.

You can build your own.

And when you do, you'll find that success isn't just about reaching the masses.

It's about touching lives, one fan at a time.

So, the question is: are you ready to stop chasing and start building?

-The Baker

Solving The World's Problems Through Art | #thetimetodoisnow


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