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From Bakery to Breaking Records: My Unconventional Journey into the Music Industry

Discover how I went from running a family bakery to reshaping the music industry in my tell-all book, now available for just $1

TLDR; I just finished writing the second eidtion of my book ‘Zero to Record Breaker’! It’s epic. You should for sure read it. You can get it for just $1 by using the coupon code ZTRB1. Here is the link to get it.

Fifteen years ago, if you'd told me I'd be revolutionizing the music industry, I would have laughed.

I was knee-deep in flour, running my family's bakery business.

But life has a funny way of taking unexpected turns.

My journey from baker to music industry disruptor is a testament to the power of ambition, unconventional thinking, and the courage to challenge the status quo.

It all started with a gnawing sense of discontent.

The bakery was stable, sure, but it wasn't fulfilling my hunger for something bigger.

I wanted to make a real impact, to build an empire that could reach far beyond the UK.

My parents couldn't understand it.

"Why can't you be happy with what you have?" they'd ask.

But ’just being content’ wasn't in my DNA.

I needed progress, constant improvement, and a chance to change the game.

That's when I made a decision that would alter the course of my life.

I told my wife that every spare penny from the bakery would now be invested in a new venture: a music company.

Her response?

"Ok… but you don't know anything about the music business, and you don't know anyone in the music business. How are you going to do it?"

It was a fair question.

But I had a vision, and sometimes, that's all you need to start.

I chose music for a simple reason: its universal appeal.

Music connects people across cultures, ages, and boundaries.

Yes, it was one of the toughest industries to break into, but I knew that if I could find a way, I could achieve everything I wanted and more.

Little did I know, this decision would lead me on a journey filled with challenges, revelations, and ultimately, record-breaking success.

As I delved into the music world, I quickly realized that things weren't quite what they seemed.

The industry, despite its glamorous facade, was riddled with inefficiencies and outdated practices.

It was an eye-opening experience, one that would shape my approach and drive me to create a new model for success in music.

From those early days of networking in London to the meteoric rise of bands like The Hunna, every step of my journey has been a lesson in perseverance, innovation, and the power of thinking differently.

In my book, "Zero to Record Breaker," I take you behind the scenes of this incredible journey.

I share the strategies that allowed us to sell out Brixton Academy in record time, the mindset that helped us navigate industry challenges, and the vision that's driving the future of music business.

This isn't just my story.

It's a blueprint for anyone who dares to dream big, who believes in the power of disruption, and who wants to make their mark in an industry ripe for change.

Whether you're an aspiring artist, a budding entrepreneur, or simply someone fascinated by the inner workings of the music world, this book offers insights you won't find anywhere else.

It's the story of how a baker with a vision managed to break records and challenge an entire industry.

And trust me, if I can do it, so can you.

Are you ready to join me on this journey?

To learn how to turn your dreams into reality, no matter how unconventional they might seem?

Then "Zero to Record Breaker" is your guide.

For the next 7 days, I'm offering a special coupon code that will allow you to pick up the book for just $1.

Let's rewrite the rules together.

Let's show the world that with the right mindset and strategies, anything is possible.

It's time to break some records.

-The Baker

It's High Time for change | #thetimetodoisnow


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