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  • From Straight F's to A+ Success: A Baker's Recipe for Artistic Triumph

From Straight F's to A+ Success: A Baker's Recipe for Artistic Triumph

Discover How Defying the Odds Can Fuel Your Music Career

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The best way to advertise isn't Meta or Google – it's appearing on dozens of podcasts that your customers already love.

You could write a few emails yourself to podcast hosts...

Or you could automate thousands of emails going out weekly, pitching your people as the PERFECT next podcast guest.

With PodPitch.com...

  • Log in with your email

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Emails pitching your team as the perfect next guest will start sending out automatically to podcast hosts.

Big brands like Feastables are already using it instead of expensive PR Agencies.

Have you ever felt like the odds were stacked against you?

Like no matter how hard you tried, success seemed just out of reach?

I've been there, and I want to share a story with you that might just change your perspective.

Not many people know this about me, but I'm dyslexic.

And that's just the beginning of the obstacles I faced.

In school, I had a teacher who didn't like me because of my religion.

This set me up to be in the group of kids who were going nowhere in life.

And in the UK school system, once you're in that group, you're stuck there.

I left school with straight F's in all my subjects.

Straight. Fat. Fails.

It felt like a death sentence for my future.

But life has a funny way of surprising you, doesn't it?

When I was 18, I met the woman who would become my wife.

She was incredibly studious, and she inspired me to go back to school.

Now, I had always had a passion for computing and business information systems.

Even though I left school in a bad way, I had a talent for understanding technology.

So, I started at the bottom.

But with my wife's inspiration adding fuel to the fire, I began to thrive.

I excelled to a place where everything I did was A+ standard.


By doing what I've always done in my entire life.

I worked hard.

I focused on the things that mattered.

And I never settled for 'good enough'.

Instead, I always aimed to deliver 25% above expectations.

I excelled so much that I was allowed to skip the next layer of education and go straight into studying for a BSc in Business Information Systems.

I started getting firsts in every module I was studying and do so throughout the entire degree program.

Now, I'm not a believer in the college education system today.

But from where I came from, this opportunity to find myself and get grounded in an area I was passionate about was monumental.

I'm sharing this with you for a reason.

I want to inspire you.

I want you to understand that no matter how bad things might be today, no matter how low down the order of play you are in the game, there's hope.

If you believe in yourself and you work hard, you can watch yourself move up the levels.

You can get to a place that right now might seem impossible.

Or a place that seems so difficult that you're afraid to even try.

But don't give up.

Keep going.

If you do, the rewards will come.

This is how the game of life works.

There's nothing handed to us.

We have to work for it.

We have to fight for it.

We have to dedicate ourselves to getting it.

When we do, that's when magic happens.

I know it's not easy.

There will be days when you want to throw in the towel.

Days when it feels like nothing's working.

But remember this: every setback is a setup for a comeback.

Every obstacle is an opportunity to prove how badly you want it.

And every 'no' is just one step closer to a 'yes'.

Your journey as an artist is no different.

It's going to take hard work, dedication, and an unwavering belief in yourself.

But if you can muster those things, if you can keep pushing even when it feels impossible, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.

So, the next time you're feeling discouraged, remember my story.

Remember that the kid who left school with straight F's ended up excelling in university.

Remember that your past doesn't define your future.

Your dedication does.

Your hard work does.

Your refusal to give up does.

That's what will set you apart.

That's what will make your music resonate.

That's what will turn your dreams into reality.

So, are you ready to defy the odds?

Are you ready to prove everyone wrong?

Are you ready to turn your passion into your profession?

Because if you are, I believe in you.

-The Baker

Solving The World's Problems Through Art | #thetimetodoisnow

Save 13 Hours Weekly of Podcast Pitching with PodPitch.com

The best way to advertise isn't Meta or Google – it's appearing on dozens of podcasts that your customers already love.

You could write a few emails yourself to podcast hosts...

Or you could automate thousands of emails going out weekly, pitching your people as the PERFECT next podcast guest.

With PodPitch.com...

  • Log in with your email

  • Load your brand info

  • Click "automate"

Emails pitching your team as the perfect next guest will start sending out automatically to podcast hosts.

Big brands like Feastables are already using it instead of expensive PR Agencies.


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