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  • The Illusion of Success: Exposing the Flaws in the Traditional Music Business Model

The Illusion of Success: Exposing the Flaws in the Traditional Music Business Model

TLDR; I just finished writing the second eidtion of my book ‘Zero to Record Breaker’! It’s epic. You should for sure read it. You can get it for just $1 by using the coupon code ZTRB1. Here is the link to get it.

When I first stepped into the music industry, I was hit with a startling realization.

The glitz and glamour that we often associate with the music business?

It's mostly smoke and mirrors.

As I peeled back the layers, I discovered a system riddled with inefficiencies, outdated practices, and, frankly, a lack of basic business acumen.

It was like stepping into a time warp, where the methods hadn't evolved despite the massive changes in technology and consumer behavior.

Let me take you back to one of my early meetings in London.

I was sitting across from a respected producer, discussing an artist who was in the studio recording.

The music sounded good, but something wasn't quite right.

I couldn't help but point out that while the production was solid, the song itself seemed lacking.

His response?

"I agree with you, however, in the music industry, there is a person called an A&R, who will more often than not, make decisions based on a gut feeling."

I was floored.

Here was an entire industry, investing substantial amounts of money into projects based on the "gut feeling" of a single individual.

No market testing.

No audience feedback.

Just one person's instinct determining the fate of an artist's career and a label's investment.

It was a stark contrast to my experience in the bakery business, where we would never dream of producing a large batch without first testing if people actually wanted to buy it.

But this was just the tip of the iceberg.

As I dug deeper, I uncovered more flaws in the traditional model.

The "1 out of 25" success ratio, where labels sign multiple artists hoping one will hit it big and cover the losses of the others.

The complex and often exploitative contracts that leave artists with little control over their work and finances.

The fragmentation of rights and revenue streams, making it nearly impossible for artists to have a holistic view of their business.

In "Zero to Record Breaker," I take you on a journey through these discoveries.

I expose the hidden mechanisms that often keep artists from achieving true success and financial stability.

But more than just pointing out the flaws, I offer solutions.

I share the strategies and models I've developed to challenge this status quo.

Strategies that have led to record-breaking success for the artists I've worked with.

This book isn't just a critique of the industry.

It's a blueprint for a new way of doing business in music.

A way that prioritizes artist development, fair partnerships, and long-term sustainability over short-term gains.

Whether you're an artist navigating this complex landscape, a music industry professional looking to make positive changes, or an entrepreneur seeking insights into disrupting established industries, this book offers invaluable insights.

It's time to pull back the curtain on the illusion of success in the music industry.

It's time for a change that benefits artists and fans alike.

Are you ready to be part of this change?

To understand the true workings of the music business and how we can make it better?

Then "Zero to Record Breaker" is your essential guide.

For the next 6 days, I'm offering a special coupon code that will allow you to pick up the book for just $1.

Let's demystify the music industry together.

Let's create a new model that values transparency, fairness, and true artist development.

The illusion of success is crumbling.

It's time to build something real.

-The Baker

It's High Time for change | #thetimetodoisnow


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