Success Comes When You Master This One Thing!

The precursor to success is…

I've been studying a lot of amazing writers, especially those who blog a lot.

Seth Godin is an absolute master when it comes to writing.

One of the things I noticed about his blog is his ability to pack incredible value into very few words.

Some of his posts are only a couple of paragraphs long but give you a takeaway that truly gets you thinking.

I've decided to take a leaf out of his book and start to post some much shorter form posts on The Baker Say’s, but still provide thought-provoking value.

I was asked today what I would consider the single most important skill that we need to master to be successful.

It's a very hard question to answer because there are so many things we have to master to achieve success in any endeavor.

The question did get me thinking and on reflection, I do believe there is one skill that we must first master if we are to be successful.

That skill is discipline.

Discipline is the precursor to every other skill we need to master on our journey.

Without discipline, there will never be enough focus on the things we need to master to get to where we want to be.

Discipline is the ultimate component in our skillsets to allow us to take control.

Taking control means both empowering others to act on our behalf and most importantly to take control of the actions we take ourselves.

Seth Godin has shown the incredible discipline to be able to write a blog post every single day for almost 20 years.

What are you doing yourself to become a master of discipline?


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