The One-Sentence Superpower Every Artist Needs

Unlock Your True Potential with This Simple Yet Powerful Principle

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There is a single statement of simple words that are so powerful, that if you follow them, they give you superpowers.

As ever, just because something is simple does not mean it's easy.

I've said this statement to many, many artists and to date, I've never had one that has taken them onboard, even though they understand what it means literally.

In most cases, they'll say they understand and then I'll see them taking actions that do not align to them understanding.

I'll even challenge them and they'll say they understand, while in the moment they're taking actions that do not align.

This simple statement is this:

Focus all of your energy on the 'one thing', everything else is a distraction.

In order to fully understand this, it's helpful to outline what the keywords in this statement mean:

 πŸŽ― Focus: To direct one's attention or effort intensely

 πŸ’― All: The entire quantity or extent of

⚑️ Energy: The strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity

🌎 Everything: All things; all the things of a group or category

⛔️ Distraction: A thing that prevents someone from concentrating on something else

In the case of artists, in many instances the statement reads like this: focus all of your energy on songwriting only, everything else is a distraction.

This simple statement can be applied to each and every step of the ArtistOS: Artist Success Pathway that I've created and this statement is one that we should all follow, no matter what it is we are trying to achieve in life.

Let me take you back to my early days in the music industry.

I was fresh from the bakery business, eager to make my mark in a world that was entirely new to me.

The energy was palpable, the possibilities endless.

But there was a problem.

I saw artists spread thin, trying to be everything to everyone.

They were writing songs, managing social media, booking gigs, designing merch - all at once.

It was like watching a juggler with too many balls in the air, desperately trying not to drop any.

And inevitably, something would fall.

Usually, it was the music itself.

I remember sitting down with a young band, let's call them The Nowhere Land Band.

They were buzzing with ideas, plans, and dreams.

But when I asked to hear their songs, they hesitated.

"We've been so busy with everything else," they said, "we haven't had much time to write."

That's when it hit me.

The very thing that should have been their focus - their music - had become just another item on a crowded to-do list.

I shared with them the simple statement: "Focus all of your energy on the 'one thing', everything else is a distraction."

They nodded, they agreed, they even wrote it down.

But a week later, I found them knee-deep in designing t-shirts.

This pattern repeated itself with artist after artist.

It was as if the idea of focusing solely on their craft was both alluring and terrifying.

The fear of missing out, of not doing enough, was overwhelming.

But here's the truth I've learned over years in this industry: the artists who succeed, who truly make an impact, are those who dare to focus.

They're the ones who shut out the noise, who say no to the constant demands for their attention, and who pour their heart and soul into their music.

It's not easy.

In a world that demands constant connectivity and multi-tasking, choosing to focus can feel like swimming against the current.

But it's necessary.

Because when you focus all your energy on that one thing - be it songwriting, perfecting your sound, or honing your live performance - you're not just improving.

You're evolving.

You're becoming the best version of yourself as an artist.

And that's when the magic happens.

That's when you create music that resonates, that touches souls, that lasts.

So, to all the artists out there, and to anyone chasing a dream, I challenge you.

Embrace the power of focus.

Choose your 'one thing' and give it everything you've got.

Ignore the distractions, silence the doubts, and trust in the process.

Because when you do, you'll discover that focusing all your energy on that one thing isn't limiting.

It's liberating.

It's the key to unlocking your true potential.

And in the end, isn't that what we're all striving for?

The chance to become the best version of ourselves, to create something meaningful, to leave our mark on the world?

So, let's make a pact.

Let's commit to focusing on what truly matters.

Because when we do, we don't just change our own lives.

We change the world.

One focused effort at a time.

-The Baker

Solving The World's Problems Through Art | #thetimetodoisnow


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