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  • Zero to Top 15: The Hunna's 10-Month Chart-Topping Secret 🚀

Zero to Top 15: The Hunna's 10-Month Chart-Topping Secret 🚀

How Strategic Product Creation Turned New Fans into Collectors and Stormed the Charts

Remember when we talked about the power of a killer marketing strategy?

Well, buckle up, because we're about to dive into the next crucial step of the High Time: Artist Success Pathway.

But first, let's recap.

Great songs are your foundation.

A solid BrandDNA is your identity.

A strategic plan is your roadmap.

And a marketing plan? That's your megaphone to the world.

But here's where many artists drop the ball.

They think that's enough.

It's not.

Enter the next critical component: creating a sales process and secondary products.

Let me take you back to The Hunna's journey.

Before we even launched, we had a plan.

Not just for the music, not just for the marketing, but for what we were going to sell and how we were going to sell it.

We knew that to truly succeed, we needed to maximize every opportunity.

Every touchpoint with our fans.

Every chance to turn casual listeners into die-hard supporters.

So, what did we do?

We got creative.

When it came time to release The Hunna's debut album, just 10 months after launching the band, we had a strategy ready.

We didn't just put out an album.

We created an experience.

We gave fans a reason to buy not just one copy, but multiple copies.


Limited edition vinyls.

We're talking a white sparkle vinyl, limited to just 250 units.

A pink sparkle vinyl, 500 units.

And a purple sparkle vinyl as the ongoing version.

Each one unique.

Each one collectible.

Each one a piece of The Hunna's story that fans could own.

The result?

In the first week alone, we sold 2,500 physical units.

Combined with digital downloads and streams, this pushed us into the UK Top 15 Album Chart.

But here's the kicker: this wasn't luck.

It wasn't a happy accident.

It was planned.


In advance.

We knew that once we built that core fanbase, we needed products ready to sell.

Products that fans would love.

Products that would deepen their connection to the band.

And we didn't stop there.

We sold all these products direct to consumer (D2C).


Because it gave us control.

Control over the sales process.

Control over the customer data.

Control over our relationship with our fans.

This is just one example of the many products we created to maximize income.

But it illustrates a crucial point: in today's music industry, your music is just the beginning.

It's your core product, yes.

But to truly succeed, you need to think beyond the music.

You need to create a sales process that turns casual listeners into committed fans.

You need to develop secondary products that allow fans to engage with your brand in multiple ways.

You need to control your sales channels to build direct relationships with your audience.

This approach isn't just about making money.

It's about creating sustainability.

It's about building a career that can weather the ups and downs of the industry.

It's about giving your fans multiple ways to support you and connect with your art.

So, I challenge you.

Look beyond your music.

What secondary products could you create?

How could you make your releases more special, more collectible?

How could you give your fans more ways to engage with your brand?

Remember, in today's music industry, success isn't just about streams or downloads.

It's about creating a 360-degree experience for your fans.

An experience they can see, hear, and touch.

An experience they'll want to buy into, again and again.

This is the power of a well-crafted sales process and strategic secondary products.

It's not about selling out.

It's about selling smart.

Are you ready to take your career to the next level?

The choice is yours.

But remember, in a world where music alone isn't enough, the artists who thrive are those who think beyond the song.

The time to start is now.

Your fans are waiting.

Are you ready to give them more?

-The Baker

It's High Time for change | #thetimetodoisnow


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